Attention: People Looking To Kickstart Their Career As A Vastu Consultant!

The Only To-The-Point Workshop You Need To

Become a Skilled Vastu Consultant And Make At Least 6 Figure Income Per Month By Working With “High-Paying Vastu Clients” Helping Them To Resolve Their Life Troubles Like A Pro!

Even if you’re a BEGINNER and have ZERO Prior Knowledge About Vastu…

Register Now For Just UAE4.29

Actual Price UAE259.75

Featured In/Worked With

Are You Ready to Transform and Create a Positively Impact In Yours & Others Life With Vastu Science?

Register Now For Just UAE4.29

Actual Price UAE259.75

For Whom Is This Masterclass For

🍁This masterclass is for YOU if you…

But Why Learn Vastu With Us?

Vastu is one of the ancient science which is based on the concept of scientifically combining the five basic elements

When all these elements are together integrated with architecture… It boosts health, wealth, energy, prosperity and make the living or working atmosphere serene and enlightened.

And that’s exactly what I’m going to reveal inside the workshop so that you too ca bring positive energy, wealth, prosperity, happiness in yours & other’s life!

Register Now For Just UAE4.29

Actual Price UAE259.75

Right Implementation of Vastu Attracts Positive Cosmic Energy Which Helps In Improving Anyone’s

Now Imagine

What if you could help someone to

You’re Just One Step Away Join Me Live Inside The Workshop

Register Now For Just UAE4.29

Actual Price UAE259.75

Our Student’s Results Speak For Us

Have a look at what they have to say about us

Ajit Giri - Business Person Mumbai



Chanchal vas Vastu consultant Jaipur

Rajesh jain Vastu consultant Kolkata

Darshana Kalariya

And Here’s What You’ll Discover In Live Masterclass

Register Now For Just UAE4.29

Actual Price UAE259.75

Meet Your Mentor

Vastu Shikhar

Vastu Specialist

0 +
Years of Experience In Vastu
0 k+
YouTube Subscribers
0 +
Vastu Consultation
0 +
Mentored Students

How This Workshop Will Help You

Understand how Vastu works & how to use it in your home, office or anywhere for attracting positive vibes & enriching its benefits

Develop your skills as a Vastu Consultant & learn how you can provide your Vastu services to clients & bring transformation in their life

Start working with Vastu clients for your services & provide them quality results by improving their life problems & concerns

Print as much as money you want. You can leverage your services, work with high-paying clients & build a successful Vastu Shastra business from your home

Still Wondering If This Workshop Will Help You?

Check All The Boxes That Are True For You

If You’ve Checked One Or More Than One Box Above, Then You Highly Need To Attend This Workshop

Register Now For Just UAE4.29

Actual Price UAE259.75

Frequently Asked Questions

The workshop will be for 2 hours and will be held on the Zoom App. 

Please check the top section of this page to get your preferred date for the workshop. 

This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn the art of Vastu Shastra from the basics & explore its core concepts to make a living out of it. Here I will cover every important aspect of Vastu like colors, directions, its significance, myths, etc. that will build a strong foundation for you.

In short, this workshop is a perfect match for you if you’re looking to grow your knowledge & career in Vastu & become an expert in it… no matter even if you don’t know anything about it.

This workshop will help you to understand the core concepts of Vastu, the correct implementation of different things like plants, objects, placement of rooms in a particular direction, colors, etc. You’ll also get amazing bonuses once you enroll in the workshop. For more details on the deliverables, you can visit the top section of this page.

In the end, you can ask your doubts, and questions directly to me and I’ll answer each of your queries in the best possible manner.

Make sure you come 10 mins before the scheduled time and have a simple notebook and pen to write the important points you find during the workshop.

It is advisable to attend the workshop on PC and with good internet connectivity for a better learning experience.

No recordings are provided to ensure every registrant attends the workshop live and gets the best out of the workshop.

Vastu Shikhar

P.S. Since you’ve read this far, it’s clear you’re interested in learning Vastu & making a career in it.

There’s only one thing left for you to do:  Click the button below and join me in the Live Vastu Workshop!!

Limited Time Offer